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December 04, 2007 |
Birim to Commence 5,000 Meter Drill Program on the Tinga Property |
December 04, 2007 |
Warrant Extension |
November 15, 2007 |
Birim Approves Warrant Extension |
November 06, 2007 |
Joint Venture Partner Newmont Begins Field Work on Birim's Banda Ahenkro Property in Ghana |
October 30, 2007 |
Birim Reports Independent NI43-101 Compliant Resource Estimate for Tinga Far East Gold Deposit, Ghana |
October 02, 2007 |
Scout Drilling Delivers High-Grade Intercepts At The Sangolo Property, Burkina Faso |
August 28, 2007 |
Birim Concludes An Agreement With Newmont To Joint Venture The Banda Ahenkro Property On The Sefwi Belt And To Waive Back-In Rights On Birim'S Bui Properties In Ghana |
June 28, 2007 |
Birim Concludes Agreement With Pan African Resources Plc On The Akrokerri Property, Ghana |
May 23, 2007 |
Drilling To Commence On Sangolo Property, Burkina Faso |
May 17, 2007 |
Birim Receives Minerals Commission Approval for an Additional Two Bui Belt Licenses |
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